an offering to the gods of winter….

I know that this insane cold front is affecting most of you ladies, so I thought I would do a post on the things I love to keep me warm in the depths of winter….

Warm and cozy fireplaces:

Cozy slippers, like the new ones my mom gave me for Christmas:

Hot chocolate or s’mores, really either one works for me:

Warm, gooey homemade mac & cheese:

And when its cold out I always need a good book, or twenty:

I heard on the news last night that this is the most extreme cold spell in North Carolina since 1977.  So ummm, let me get this right, the last time it was this cold I was not alive? Nice.  I can do with another thirty years without this weather (and I am a big baby.)  So what are your favorite ways to stay warm and cozy?

8 responses to this post.

  1. I so wish we had a fireplace!


  2. Posted by wonderfelle on January 5, 2010 at 1:54 am

    i love love love this post! it’s freezing here and i soo wish i had a cozy fireplace!


  3. ummmm….you think you’re cold ? could you survive here in wisconsin ? I bet you could !!!

    I live on hot almond vanilla tea with french vanilla creamer and wear cotton socks and lots of layers and put the electric blanket on high for an hour before I climb in bed for the night and I always wear a scarf and gloves and lots of polar fleece clothing and turn the fireplace on in the morning and then again at night and and and…..whine, yep I whine…but not nearly as much as I used to 🙂

    oh winter is fun, isn’t it ?


  4. abuelita’s hot chocolate for me does it everytime. but i may need to switch to that ooey gooey homemade mac & cheese. yum!


  5. yum! i love smores .. i’m craving them now 🙂


  6. Those are some of my favorite things as well!


  7. Dude…I want s’mores NOW!


  8. Smores and maccaroni and cheese… does it get any better in winter??? haha!!


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